Home / Arithmetic Aptitude / Ratio and Proportion :: Discussion

Discussion :: Ratio and Proportion

  1. Pervez, Sunny, and Ashu Bhati alone can complete a piece of work in 30, 50, and 40 days. The ratio of their salaries of each day is 4: 3: 2 respectively. The total income of Parvez is Rs 144. Find the total income of Sunny.

  2. A.

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    Answer : Option A

    Explanation :

    Note: Total income = total days * per day salary

    Let per day salary of Pervez = 4
    Pervez can complete a piece of work in 30 days and his per day salary is 4
    So, the total income of Pervez = 30* 4 = 120

    Let per day salary of Sunny = 3

    Similarly, Sunny can complete the same work in 50 days and his per day salary is 3
    So, the total income of Sunny = 50 * 3 = 150

    Let per day salary of Ashu Bhati = 2
    Ashu Bhati can complete the same work in 40 days and his per day salary is 2
    So, the total income of Ashu Bhati = 40* 2 = 80

    Or, the ratio of total income of Pervez: Sunny: Ashu Bhati = 120: 150: 80                                            = 12: 15: 8
    That means total income of Pervez = 12, but according to the question it is 144.
    On multiplying 12 by 12, we get the original value.
    So, multiply each by 12.
    Hence, the total income of Pervez = 144
    Total income of Sunny = 15*12 = 180
    Total income of Ashu Bhati = 8*12 = 96

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