Home / Arithmetic Aptitude / Time and Work :: Discussion

Discussion :: Time and Work

  1. How long will Machine Y, working alone, take to produce x candles?

      I. Machine X produces x candles in 5 minutes.

     II. Machine X and Machine Y working at the same time produce x candles in 2 minutes.



  2. A.

    I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer


    II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer


    Either I or II alone sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are not sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are necessary to answer

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    Answer : Option E

    Explanation :

    I. gives, Machine X produces\( \frac { X } { 2 } \)candles in 1 min


    II. gives, Machine X and Y produce\( \frac { X } { 2 } \)candles in 1 min


    From I and II, Y produces[\( \frac { X } { 2 } \)-\( \frac { X } { 5} \)]=\( \frac {3 X } { 10 } \)candles in 1 min


    \( \frac {3 X } { 10 } \)candles are produced by Y in 1 min


    x candles will be produced by Y in[\( \frac { 1 0} { 3X } \)xx]min=\(\frac { 10 } { 3 } \)min


    Thus, I and II both are necessary to get the answer.


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