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Discussion :: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

  1. High pressure steam is expanded adiabati-cally and reversibly through a well insulated turbine, which produces some shaft work. If the enthalpy change and entropy change across the turbine are represented by ΔH and ΔS respectively for this process:

  2. A.

     Δ H = 0 and ΔS = 0


     Δ H ≠ 0 and ΔS = 0


     Δ H ≠ 0 and ΔS ≠ 0


     Δ H = 0 and ΔS ≠ 0

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    Answer : Option B

    Explanation :

    For a reversible adiabatic process the entropy change is zero since dS=δQT
    But the enthalpy change need not be zero since the internal energy and pressure energy may vary during the process.

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