Chemical Engineering :: Environmental Engineering
Out of the following, TLV of __________ is maximum (about 500 ppm).
Which of the following plants does not emit appreciable amount of SO2 in atmosphere ?
Which of the following is not a practical method of low level radioactive waste disposal ?
Major sources of noise in furnace operation arises from air inspirators, combustion, side wall vibrations and fluctuation in the process heat load. A 50% increase in fuel firing rate may increase the furnace noise level by about __________ decibels.
Removal of __________ results from the disinfection of water.
Very small amount of air pollutants are present in stratosphere also; though most of the atmospheric pollutants are present in the troposphere. Which of the following atmospheric pollutants does not cause the ozone layer depletion in atmosphere at tremendous rate ?
Inhalation of silica dust by human being during hand drilling in mica mining, lead & zinc mining, silica refractory manufacture and in foundaries causes
Soluble silica present in boiler feed water can be removed by