Chemical Engineering :: Process Equipment and Plant Design
In common bubble cap distillation column design practice, riser area is approximately equal to (where, Aa = Annular passage area, and Sa = Slot area)
Heat transfer co-efficient, hG(Kcal/hr.m2 .°C) and mass velocity of air, G (kg/hr.m2 ) for air flow parallel to the surface in case of constant drying rate in batch drying is related as hG = 0.0176G0.8. But when the flow of air perpendicular to the surface is encountered, this equation changes to
In the agitators, the power required will be changed with the increase of diameter of agitator (D) as
Apex angle of conical heads used in the bottom heads of chemical process equipments is usually
Pressure drop due to pipe fittings can be estimated by the equation,
, where, Le = equivalent length of straight pipeline which will incur the same frictional loss as the fitting and D = diameter of the fitting. The value of (dimensionless) for 45° elbow and 180° close return bends would be respectively around -
A pressure vessel is said to be made of 'thick' shell, if the ratio of its diameter to wall thickness is
Rate of filtrate delivery is inversely proportional to the
Tube side heat transfer co-efficient for turbulent flow of liquid through tubes is proportional to
Circumferential (hoop) stress in a thin cylindrical vessel under internal pressure is __________ the longitudinal stress.
The dust collection efficiency of electrostatic precipitator increases with increase in the