Civil Engineering :: Advanced Surveying
When a star is between the pole and the horizon, the relationship between latitude (λ), zenith distance (z) and declination δ, is
The distance between the minor control point and the principal point should be equal to
The great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth, is called
The Polaris describes a small circle round the pole whose radius is approximately
The plane at right angle to the zenith-nadir line and passing through the centre of the earth, is called
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
If α is the observed altitude, the refraction correction in seconds, is
The value of geo-centric parallax to be added to the observed altitude of sun is
With standard meridian as 82° 30' E the standard time at longitude 90° E is 8 h 30 m. The local mean time at the place will be
A star is said to elongate
The plane passing through the perspective centre of a stereo pair and a ground point, is known as basal plane
Each pair of image points on stereo pair have their own basal plane
Relative orienation means reconstructing the basal plane
Relative orientation of the model is achieved only when five points within the model are cleared of Y-parallax
All the above.