Civil Engineering :: Building Materials
- For construction of structures under water, the type of lime used, is
- Pick up the correct statement from the following: Method of sawing timber
- Inner part of a timber log surrounding the pitch, is called
- For high grade instruments the steel preferred to, is
- If ‘P’ is the percentage of water required for normal consistency, water to be added for determination of initial setting time, is
- The type of roof which slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on each side is known as
- The process of decarbonising the pig iron completely and then adding proper percentage of carbon for manufacturing steel, is called
Compared to mild steel, cast iron has
(i) High compressive strength
(ii) High tensile strength
(iii) Low compressive strength
(iv) Low tensile strength - Plywood has the advantage of
Tangentially to annual rings, is known as tangential method |
In four quarters such that each board cuts annual rings at angles not less than 45°, is known as quarter sawing method |
Cut out of quarter logs, parallel to the medullary rays and perpendicular to annual rings, is known as radial sawing |
All the above |