Civil Engineering :: Building Materials
Pick up the correct statement from the following: Method of sawing timber
The portion of the brick without a triangular corner equal to half the width and half the length, is called
The standard size of masonry bricks, is
Which one of the following is an air binding material ?
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Soundness test of cement determines
tangentially to annual rings, is known as tangential method. |
in four quarters such that each board cuts annual rings at angles not less than 45°, is known as quarter sawing method. |
cut out of quarter logs, parallel to the medullary rays and perpendicular to annual rings, is known as radial sawing. |
all the above. |
Alexander Parkes, a Scottish chemist prepared a hard material by mixing camphor and alcohol with nitro cellulose and called it, as Parkesite |
Dr. L. Bakeland, a Belgian scientist prepared a product known as Bakelite |
Pollark, an Austrian scientist prepared a substance from urea and formaldehyde and called it Plastic |
All the above. |