Civil Engineering :: Docks and Harbours
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: In a dry dock block made of hard wood,
On a hydrographic map, the following feature is shown :
Due to the impact of water wave on a sea shore structure
The horizontal angles from the boat between A and B and B and C, the stations on the shore are respectively θ1 and θ2. The distances AB = L1 and BC = L2. For calculating the angle α2 at C between the boat and station B is obtained by using the following formula: where (β is horizontal angle between A and C at B).
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
The dock wall is designed as a gravity retaining wall and is tested for
The shape of docks and basins is generally kept
Surf zone is :
Which one of the following lines is used for tying a ship with a dock
Soundings are required for