Civil Engineering :: Highway Engineering
If V is the velocity in km.p.h., t the brake reaction time in seconds and η the efficiency of the brakes, the stopping distance S of the vehicle, is
During last phase of the reconnaissance, details of the grade line is recorded on 2 metre poles to indicate
Concrete pavement is provided if daily traffic per lane exceeds
If d is the economic designed depth of a slab, the thickness of the cement concrete pavement slab at interior, is kept
If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is known as
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
If the width of carriage way is 12.5 metres, outer edge 50 cm higher than the inner edge, the required super elevation is
In cement concrete pavements, tensile stress is due to :
If L is the length of the transition curves provided on either side of a circular curve of radius R, the maximum angle of deflection with tangent for the junctions of the transition curve and circular curve, is
Interior thickness of concrete road slab for design wheel load 6300 kg and permissible flexural stress 21 kg/cm2, is