Civil Engineering :: Hydraulics
If v1 and v2 are the velocities of flow before and after sudden enlargement in a pipe, the head loss given by Carnot and Borda equation, is
Equation of continuity of fluids is applicable only if
The flow in open channel is said to be critical if the Froude number is
An orifice is an opening in a vessel with
The imaginary line drawn such that the tangents at its all points indicate the direction of the velocity of the fluid particles at each point, is called
A nozzle is fitted at the end of a pipe whose length is 320 m and diameter is 10 cm. If the value of f = 0.01, the diameter of the nozzle for the maximum transmission of power through the nozzle is
When the whole fluid mass rotates either due to fluid pressure or gravity or rotation previously imparted, the motion is known as
The ratio of the maximum height to which a jet inclined through θ rises to its total horizontal span is
For solving the problems is hydraulic engineering, the velocity used is
The shape of fire hose nozzle is generally kept