Civil Engineering :: Irrigation
For standing crops in undulating sandy fields, the best method of irrigation, is
In a barrage, the crest level is kept
For a standing crop, the consumptive use of water is equal to the depth of water
The state of the soil when plants fail to extract sufficient water for their requirements, is
The field capacity of a soil is 25%, its permanent wilting point is 15% and specific dry unity weight is 1.5. If the depth of root zone of a crop, is 80 cm, the storage capacity of the soil, is
Solution of Laplacian equation in three dimensions
of water in a syphon, is done by
The length and width of a meander and also the width of the river, vary roughly as
Regime conditions in a channel may occur if
If the optimum depth of kor watering for a crop is 15.12 cm, the outlet factor for the crop for four week period in hectares per cumec, is
If H and d are the water depth and drop in the bed level at a Sarda fall, the width B of the trapezoidal crest, is given by