Civil Engineering :: Water Resources Engineering
The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is
The average mean velocity of a stream having depth h, may be obtained by taking the average of the readings of a current meter at a depth of
If the velocities of flow of a stream of 10 m depth recorded by a current meter at depths of 2 m and 8 m are 0.7 m and 0.3 m respectively, the discharge per unit width of the stream in cubic metres, is
If P and A are the perimeter and area of a drainage basin, its compactness coefficient, is
The time required by rain water to reach the outlet of drainage basin, is generally called
Time of overland flow, is affected by
The rate of rainfall for successive 10 minute periods of a 60 minute duration storm, are shown in the below figure. If the value of φindex is 3 cm/hour, the run off will be
From the pattern of the rainfall shown in the below figure, the total precipitation is
From the data of the rain storm shown in the below figure, the value of Windex is
Izzard formula for the time of concentration in minutes for the plots having no channels, is (where Lo is the length of overland flow in metres and Kp rainfall intensity in cm/hour)