CSE :: Operating System Concepts
The Register - to - Register (RR) instructions
A page fault
An algorithm is best described as
The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as
Block caches or buffer caches are used
Which of the following statements is false?
The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as
Which, of the following is not true about the description of a decision table?
Trojan-Horse programs
When did IBM release the first version of disk operating system DOS version 1.0?
have both their operands in the main store.
which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the main store, generally leaving the result in the register, except in the case of store operation when it is also written into the specified storage location.
which perform indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in one of the registers.
all of the above
None of the above