ECE :: Microprocessors
In which of the following 8085 instructions is the 8 bit number in accumulator adjusted to form two four bit BCD numbers
In 8085 the instruction
is an example of -
Assertion (A): Logical group of instructions contains instructions for logic operations.
Reason (R): Data transfer group instruction is basically a copying instruction.
Assertion (A): C allows the use of logical operators, AND, OR, NOT.
Reason (R): C has logical operators as well as bitwise operators like AND, OR etc.
The read and write cycle times of cache memory are in the range of
In 8086
In which of the following logical group instructions of 8085 do the contents of accumulator remain unchanged?
If quadratic equation x2 - 1000x + 25 = 0 is solved using floating point arithmetic with 4 digit mantissa, the roots are