ECE :: Network Analysis and Synthesis
Two sinusoidal voltage sources v1 = 50 sin (100t) and v1 = 50 sin (100t + p) are connected in parallel and fed an inductance XL = 2Ω. The cuirent through XL is
A system function , the system is at rest for t < 0. For i(t) = u(t), then v(t) is given by
Two voltages 50 V each have a phase difference of 45°. The rms value of resultant sum of the two voltages is
The energy stored in a coil is 108 J. It is opened suddenly in 10 ms. The power dissipated instantaneously across the blades of switch is
A parallel RLC circuit with R1 = 20, is scaled giving R2 = 104, L2 = 10-4 and C2, the value of C2 is
The Thevenin's equivalent of network in figure(1) is a 10 V source in series with 2 Ω resistance. If a 3 Ω resistance is connected across AB as shown in figure(2) the Thevenin's equivalent is