Interview :: Maven
Define SNAPSHOT in terms of maven?
The snapshot indicates the current development copy.
Define Archetype?
It is a Maven plugin which is designed for the creation of project structure.
13) What does central repository consist of?
It consists of a large number of libraries that are frequently used.
Give the command for installation of the JAR file in a local repository?
mvn install
Mention the phases of cleaning lifecycle?
The lifecycle of cleaning consist of:
- pre-clean
- clean
- post-clean
16) What is the purpose of mvn clean command?
The command removes the target directory before the starting of a build process.
17) What is a MOJO?
A MOJO stands for Maven plain Old Java Object. Each MOJO is an executable goal in Maven, and a plugin is a distribution of one or more related MOJOs.
18) What is a repository?
19) What is a local repository?