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Logical Reasoning :: Mathematical and Computer Operations

  1. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, # and > are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A # B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A?B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: M # N, T # U, N # U
    Conclusions: I. M ? T   II. T $ N
  2. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  3. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, # and > are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A # B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A?B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: P $ T, G ? N, T @ N
    Conclusions: I. P $ N   II. G ? T
  4. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  5. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, # and > are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A # B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A?B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: P ? Q, R $ S, Q @ S
    Conclusions: I. P $ S  II. R # Q
  6. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  7. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, # and > are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A # B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A?B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: J # K, K * F, H @ F
    Conclusions: I. J ? H  II. H $ K
  8. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  9. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, # and > are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A # B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A?B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: D @ F, G $ H, F ? H
    Conclusions: I. G $ F   II. D @ H
  10. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  11. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, ** and # are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A**B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A#B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: P @ Q, M # N, N ** Q
    Conclusions: I. P $ M   II. N # P
  12. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  13. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, ** and # are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A**B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A#B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: D ** X, F @ Y, D $ F
    Conclusions: I. X @ Y   II. Y # D
  14. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  15. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, ** and # are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A**B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A#B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: M ** P, S $ T, M @ T
    Conclusions: I. S * M   II. T ** P
  16. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  17. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, ** and # are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A**B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A#B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: U * V, X $ W, U ** W
    Conclusions: I. W $ V   II. U ** V
  18. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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  19. In the following questions the symbols $, @, *, ** and # are used with the following meanings:
    'A$B' means 'A is greater than B'.
    'A@B' means 'A is either greater than or equal to B'.
    'A*B' means 'A is equal to B'.
    'A**B' means 'A is smaller than B'.
    'A#B' means 'A is either smaller than or equal to B'.

    Statements: G $ H, J # K, H * K
    Conclusions: I. H $ J   II. J * H
  20. A.
    if only conclusion I is true.
    if only conclusion II is true.
    if either conclusion I or II is true.
    if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
    if both the conclusions I and II are true.

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