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Discussion :: Statement and Assumption

  1. Statement: Bill Clinton is the second democrat to be re-elected as President of America, the other being the legendary Roosevelt.


    1. Clinton has the same qualities that Roosevelt had.
    2. The majority of people in America have faith in Clinton.
    3. The election campaign of Clinton's rivals was not impressive.

  2. A.
    Only I is implicit
    Only II is implicit
    Only III is implicit
    Either I or III is implicit
    Either II or III is implicit

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    Answer : Option B

    Explanation :

    The statement simply mentions that Clinton and Roosevelt were the only two persons who were re-elected as President of America. But this does not imply that they were liked by the public for the same reasons or qualities. So, I is not implicit. However, it is clear that that majority of people adore Clinton. So, II is implicit. Nothing about the reasons of Clinton's victory or the election campaign of Clinton's rivals can be assumed from the given statement. So, III is not implicit.

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