Mechanical Engineering :: Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines
- In a compressor, free air delivered is the actual volume delivered at the stated pressure reduced to
- When the temperature of air leaving the inter-cooler, in a two stage compression with inter-cooler, is ________ the original atmospheric air temperature, then the intercooling is known as perfect or complete intercooling.
- The mass of gas turbine per kW developed is about ________ as that of an I.C. engine.
- A compressor mostly used for supercharging of I.C. engines is
- Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of
- The degree of reaction is usually kept ________ for all types of axial flow compressors.
- The material commonly used for air craft gas turbine is
- Which one of the following is the effect of blade shape on performance of a centrifugal compressor?
- Intercooling in gas turbines