Mechanical Engineering :: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Choose the wrong statement
- In a refrigeration system, the expansion device is connected between the
- The human body feels comfortable when the heat stored in the body is
- The emissivity of a polished silver body is _________ as compared to black body.
- Relative humidity is given by (where pv = Partial pressure of water vapour, pb = Barometric pressure, ps = Pressure of saturated air, pd = Pressure at dry bulb temperature, pw = Saturation pressure corresponding to wet bulb temperature, and μ = Degree of saturation)
- In which of the following refrigeration system, waste heat can be effectively used?
- Environmental protection agencies advice against the use of chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants since
- The comfort conditions in air conditioning are at (where DBT = Dry bulb temperature, and RH = Relative humidity)
- In a vapour absorption refrigeration system, the compressor of the vapour compression system is replaced by
- Which of the following statement is correct?