Mechanical Engineering :: Thermodynamics
- According to Regnault's law, the specific heat at constant pressure (cp) and specific heat at constant volume (cv) _________ with the change in pressure and temperature of the gas.
- One kg of carbon requires 4/3 kg of oxygen and produces ________ kg of carbon monoxide gas.
- One kg of carbon requires 4/3 kg of oxygen and produces __________ kg of carbon monoxide gas.
- For a thermodynamic process to be reversible, the temperature difference between hot body and working substance should be
- Properties of substances like pressure, temperature and density, in thermodynamic coordinates are
- Which of the following processes are thermodynamically reversible?
- Entropy change depends on
- Coke is produced
- When a gas is heated at constant pressure
When coal is strongly heated continuously for 42 to 48 hours in the absence of air in a closed vessel |
From the finely ground coal by moulding under pressure with or without a binding material |
When coal is first dried and then crushed to a fine powder by pulverizing machine |
By heating wood with a limited supply of air to a temperature not less than 280°C |