Convert each letter to its numerical value, and read each pair of values as 2 digit numbers. In each row, the number in the centre equals the difference between the 2 digit values on the left and right.
Start in the top left hand corner and move anti clockwise around the perimeter of the square. Letters are written in alphabetical order, skipping 1 letter, then 2 letters, then 3 etc.
In each row, the left hand grid is symmetrical around a vertical axis, the central grid is symmetrical about a horizontal axis, and the right hand grid is symmetrical about a diagonal axis, running bottom left to top right.
Split the left and right hand circles into 2 halves vertically. The numerical value of the letter in the upper left segment of the central circle equals the sum of the numbers in the left half of the left hand circle, and the letter in the lower left equals the sum of the numbers in the right half of the left hand circle. Repeat this pattern for the right hand circle.
Starting on the left and working to the right, take pairs of dominoes and calculate the sum of the dots they are displaying. This sum follows the sequence 3, 6, 9 and 12.
In each diagram, the black circles join together to make straight sided polygons. Working from left to right, top row then bottom row, the number of sides in each polygon increases by 1 each time, from 3 to 8.