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Puzzles :: Logical Riddles

  1. You have accidently left out the plug and are attempting to fill the bath with both taps full on. The hot tap takes 6 minutes to fill the bath. The cold tap takes 2 minutes and the water empties through the plug hole in 4 minutes. In how many minutes will the bath be filled?


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  3.  You go to the doctor because you're ill and he prescribes you with 3 pills and tells you to take them every half hour. How long do the pills last you?


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  5. What number squared = 12345678987654321?


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  7. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 How can you use the digits above once each only to compose two fractions which when added together equal 1?


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    If it is 1,800 kilometers to America, 1,200 kilometers to Japan, 2,400 kilometers to New Zealand, and 1,400 kilometers to Brazil- How far is Morocco?


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  11. A woman is walking down a street night at a constant pace. As she passes the street light, she notices that her shadow becomes longer. Does the top of her shadow move faster, slower or the same when the shadow is longer as when it is shorter?


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  13. Jenna wrote all the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper. How many times did she write the digit 3?


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  15. What number is that, which, added separately to 100 and 164, shall make them perfect squares?


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     A car's odometer shows 72927 miles, a palindromic number. What are the minimum miles you would need to travel to form another?


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  19. Two travellers spend from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock walking along a level road, up a hill and back again. Their pace is 4 mph on the level, 3 mph uphill, and 6 mph downhill. How far do they walk and at what time do they reach the top of the hill?


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