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Puzzles :: Who Am I? Puzzles

  1. It's a word of 12 alphabets
    It's 12, 4, 7, 2, 5 are Eastern beast of burden.
    It's 1, 8, 10, 9 are street made famous by Sinclair Lewis.
    It's 11, 3, 6 are past.
    On whole it means a person suffering from delusions of greatness.
    So, what it is?

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  3. They are protector.
    They Sit on a bridge.
    One individual can see directly through them , while others wonder what they hide.

    Who am they ?

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  5. What cannot be sawed but is made of wood ?

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  7. Form a six-letter word by using the following three letters any number of time:
    N, A and B.

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  9. Following words are meaningless. But if we add a few letters randomly on either sides, a meaningful dictionary word can be formed.

    For example 'ogwo' can be changed into dogwood.

    The words are:

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  11. A five letter word is so dominant that it can spoil your entire work. The word contains two different vowels and three same consonants.

    Do you know what word is that?

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  13. You can get into me quite easily but you can't get out of me without facing extreme difficulties.

    Who am I?

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  15. The common thing between three particular identical words in English language is that they end with 'g', 'r' and 'y'. Two of those words are hungry and angry.

    The third word is something we make use of every day.

    Do you know what that word is?

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  17. When I'm under you, I'm a five letter word.

    Take out the first letter and I come above you.

    Take out the second too and I'm all around you.

    Not all can tell me who I am but only few.

    Can you?

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  19. My residence is above a star and yet I don't burn
    I have eleven friends who do not turn
    Never once and never repeatedly,
    The only way to visit is in a sequence possibly
    If my initials I tell you are PQRS
    Can you identify me in this whole mess?

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