Home / Arithmetic Aptitude / Area :: Data Sufficiency 1

Arithmetic Aptitude :: Area

Directions To Solve

Each of the questions given below consists of a statement and / or a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statement(s) is / are sufficient to answer the given question. Read the both statements and

  • Give answer (A) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
  • Give answer (B) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
  • Give answer (C) if the data either in Statement I or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
  • Give answer (D) if the data even in both Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
  • Give answer(E) if the data in both Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

  1. The area of playground is 1600 m2. What is the perimeter?

    I. It is a perfect square playground.

     II. It costs Rs. 3200 to put a fence around the playground at the rate of Rs. 20 per metre.

  2. A.

    I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer


    II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer


    Either I or II alone sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are not sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are necessary to answer

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  3. What is the area of the hall?


    Material cost of flooring per square metre is Rs. 2.50


    Labour cost of flooring the hall is Rs. 3500


    Total cost of flooring the hall is Rs. 14,500.

  4. A.

    I and II only


    II and III only


    All I, II and III


    Any two of the three


    None of these

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  5.  The area of a rectangle is equal to the area of right-angles triangle. What is the length of the rectangle?

    I. The base of the triangle is 40 cm.

    II. The height of the triangle is 50 cm.

  6. A.

    I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer


    II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer


    Either I or II alone sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are not sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are necessary to answer

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  7.  What is the height of the triangle?

    I. The area of the triangle is 20 times its base.

    II. The perimeter of the triangle is equal to the perimeter of a square of side 10 cm

  8. A.

    I alone sufficient while II alone not sufficient to answer


    II alone sufficient while I alone not sufficient to answer


    Either I or II alone sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are not sufficient to answer


    Both I and II are necessary to answer

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