Arithmetic Aptitude :: Numbers
On dividing a number by 5, we get 3 as remainder. What will the remainder when the square of the this number is divided by 5 ?
How many natural numbers are there between 23 and 100 which are exactly divisible by 6 ?
How many of the following numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 9 ?
2133, 2343, 3474, 4131, 5286, 5340, 6336, 7347, 8115, 9276 -
\( \frac { (963+476)^2+(963-476)^2 } {( 963 \times963+476 \times476)}=?\)
A 3-digit number 4a3 is added to another 3-digit number 984 to give a 4-digit number 13b7, which is divisible by 11. Then, (a + b) = ?