Chemical Engineering :: Heat Transfer
The Grashoff number is defined as the ratio of the
According to Reynolds analogy, Stanton number is equal to (where, f = Fanning friction factor)
The absorptivity of a body is equal to its emissivity
Absorptivity and refletivity of a perfect black body are respectively
In thermal radiation for a black body (where, ε is emissivity and α is absorptivity)
Pick out the wrong statement.
When warm and cold liquids are mixed, the heat transfer is mainly by
A cube, sphere & a thin circular plate (all having same mass and made of same material) are all heated to 300°C and allowed to cool in natural air. Which one will cool the slowest ?
Vent pipes are provided in a condenser to
Heat transfer by natural convection is enhanced in system with
Superheated steam is preferably not used for process heating because of its low heat transfer film co-efficient.
In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the shell pressure drop is maximum for orifice baffles.
S.I. unit of fouling factor is Watt/m2.°K.
Longitudinal fins are used in extended surface heat exchangers, when the direction of fluid flow is parallel to the axis of the tube.