Civil Engineering :: Water Resources Engineering
Water contains
Unit Hydrograph theory was enunciated by
The theory of infiltration capacity was given by
Hydrology helps in
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
The surface Run-off is the quantity of water
Pick up the correct equation from the following :
Infiltration capacity of soil depends upon
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
Rain which is intercepted by buildings, vegetations and other objects, is generally known as rainfall interception
The difference between the total rainfall and intercepted rainfall, is generally called ground rainfall
When rainfall exceeds the interception rainfall, water reaches the ground and infiltration starts
The maximum rate of absorbing water by the soil in any given condition, is known as infiltration capacity
All the above.
When rainfall rate exceeds the infiltration capacity, the water enters the soil at full capacity rate
When rainfall rate is less than the infiltration capacity, the infiltration rate is approximately equal to the rainfall rate
The actual infiltration rate at any time may be equal to or less than the infiltration capacity
The actual prevailing rate of infiltration of water in the soil at any time, is known as infiltration rate
All the above.