Civil Engineering :: Water Resources Engineering
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
The main factor which affects the infiltration capacity, is
According to Robert E. Horton, the equation of infiltration capacity curve, is (where letters carry their usual meanings)
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
Absolute humidity in air
Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called
A recording type rain gauge
In India the recording type rain gauge generally used, is
The portion of pellicular water which remains unutilised, is called hygroscopic water
The moisture content at which permanent wilting of plants takes place, is called the wilting point
The path of the water required to bring the soil moisture content of a soil up to its field capacity is called soil moisture deficiency
The moisture deficiency will be different at different points
All the above.
Absolute humidity at a given temperature is equal to weight of moisture present in a unit volume
Relative humidity is the ratio of actual vapour pressure and saturation vapour pressure at the same temperature
Relative humidity is the ratio of the weight of the vapours present per unit volume to the weight of vapours which could be contained at the same temperature when fully saturated
Humidity can be measured by psychrometer
All the above.