- Rewrite verb is used to update the records. A file should be opened in I-O mode for rewrite operations. It can be used even if a read operation is not successful. Is this statement true or false?
- Indicate in which of the following, the REPORT NAME does not appear
- About the MERGE verb, which one of the following is true.
- Indicate which of the following is not a Procedure Division verb
- What is the mode in which you will OPEN a file for writing?
- A storage device which is used to store data & information external to the main storage is known as?
- Pic 9v99 is a _______ position numeric field with an implied or assumed decimal point after the first position.
- Object Oriented languages:
Can merge a maximum of three files
Does not require that the input file to be merged be sorted on the merge keys
Requires that all files mentioned in the statement must have records of same size
Does not require that the position of the merge keys with in the records descriptions of each of the files must be same