- What are the JPA @Entity association attributes?
- ________ has stated that ideas came from several frameworks, including Hibernate and JDO.
- What is the Life Cycle Of A Jpa Entity?
What's true about the following @Entity association between House and Window?@Entitypublic class Window {@Idprivate int winNo;@ManyToOneprivate House aHouse;}@Entitypublic class House {@Idprivate int houseNo;@OneToMany(mappedBy="aHouse")private List
windows; } - Which annotation is used to create Pk-Fk relation b/w two tables?
- Object/relational metadata can be specified directly in the entity class file by using annotations, or in a separate ________ descriptor file distributed with the application.
- What is TRUE about the cascading and cascade mode attributes in Entity Beans?
- Which attribute of @OneToMany is used to mark an entity as owned?
- What is the JPA equivalent of hibernate.cfg.xml file?
Cascade mode attributes can be specified for the association annotaions (like @OneToMany) in an entity bean
The cascading direction is from the target entity to the source entity
PERSIST, DELETE and REFRESH are cascading mode attributes
Refresh cascade causes to refresh the target entities of a relationship when refresh is invoked on the source entity of the relationship