CSE MCQs :: MySQL Database MCQs
The following query belongs to which condition types?SELECT fnameFROM personWHERE dept_id= (SELECT dept_id FROM department WHERE names='s');
Is the following query belongs to the "Equality condition?SELECT product_type.name, product.nameFROM product_type INNER JOIN ProductON product_type.dept=Product.deptWHERE product_type.name='customers_accounts';
What will be the output of the following query?SELECT *FROM employeeWHERE start_date BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2008-01-01';
- Fill the blanks with suitable options? BETWEEN ______ AND ______
Find the error in the following query?SELECT cust_id, fed_idFROM customerWHERE cust_id = 'I'AND fed_id BETWEEN 5000-00-000 AND 9999-999-000;
What will be the output of the following query?SELECT emp_id, fname, lnameFROM employeeWHERE LEFT (fname, 1) ='F' OR LEFT (lname, 1) ='F';
- Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- Which operator is used to check whether the expression is "NULL?
What will be the output of the following query?SELECT fnameFROM personWHERE emp_id != 6;
- What is the meaning of "NULL in Mysql?
Only those employees are selected whose first name and last name started with 'F'
Only those employees are selected whose first name started with 'F' but last name can be starts with any other letter
Only those employees are selected whose first name and last name started with any other letter except 'F'
None of the mentioned