- If you want to use time-based or performance-based strategy plans in your company, what must you first define?
- Which of the next sentences is not true?
- What steps is not defined in customizing for alternative labeling?
- In Realization, during baseline and final configuration, the project team needs to test chains of transactions that represent business processes and scenarios. What do you call the test that is focused on multiple transactions within one defined business scenario?
- Which ASAP accelerator do you use to capture the customer solution scope in the Project Preparation phase?
- How do you generate short orders without a task list if no task has been entered in the maintenance item for the maintenance plan?
- How do you cover some objects that are maintained in a fixed cycle determined by a standard?
- Which of the following determines the maintenance package will be performed if two maintenance packages are due at the same time?
- Which data is useful to monitor a piece of equipment dynamically that is track changes to the equipment over a specific period of time?
The system copies the short text for the maintenance plan into the maintenance order as an operation description
The task list has to be entered compulsorily
Task list is generated but the planner cannot add additional operations to the maintenance order
This leads to errors in scheduling data