CSE :: Computer Fundamentals
A typical modern computer uses
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over Mark I because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized?
Who was the father of Punched Card Processing?
When did Hewlett-Packard Inc. Introduce its first HP-110 laptop computer?
The computer program language which is widely used in computer science and engineering and also in business is
A 'number crunching' computer is one that can handle
The barcode which is used on all types of items, is read by a scanning device directly into the computer. What is the name of this scanning device?
A processing unit that coordinates networks and data communication is known as
A type of line printer that uses an embossed steel band to form the letters printed on the paper is
Which memory system is not as a mass memory medium?