CSE :: Computer Fundamentals
A menu-driven operating system is one which allows you to pick up from the menu of choices it displays on the screen. What is the name given to the images which are used in such image oriented menus?
What is the name of the earliest calculating machine which was based on concepts found in modern computers but was unfortunately never built?
The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:
Which is used for manufacturing chips?
The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or _____
Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?
Which of the following tasks is not suited for sequential processing by a computer?
Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?
All calculations are performed and all comparisons are made in _____ unit.
The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in Electronic Data Processing system is called