ECE :: Automatic Control Systems
The relative stability of a system is given by
Assertion (A): Nyquist stability criterion uses the number of encirclements around (-1 + j0) point in GH plane to determine stability
Reason (R): The (-1 + j0) point in the s plane lies in the Nyquist path.
In a two phase servomotor the voltages applied to the two stator windings
The phase angle characteristic in the given figure is for
The overall transfer function for a unity feedback system is
. Which of the following statements about this system are correct?
- Position error constant Kp is 4
- System is type 1
- Velocity error constant is finite
- Position error constant Kp is 4
The complicated shapes in the polar plots are only due to time constants in the numerator of transfer functions.
For a quadratic factor in denominator of transfer function the phase angle at corner frequency (in Bode phase angle plot)
. It is required that response settles to within 2% of final value for a step input. The settling time is