ECE :: Microprocessors
Most of the memory chips in static RAM
In which computer language is 'break' statement used
In a microprocessor
Assertion (A): If source and destination addresses are made implicit the length of instruction is reduced.
Reason (R): 8085 has only 3 addressing modes.
Assertion (A): Microprocessor 8085 has on-chip oscillator with inbuilt crystal.
Reason (R): For frequency stability crystal oscillator is preferred.
Consider the following program in Pascal
The final value of X would be
X = 2.57
X = (X + 0.06) * 10
X = I
X = X / 10.0 -
Consider the following
- The first letter of a Java variable is lower case.
- Each successive word in Java variable begins with a capital letter.
- All other letters are lower case.
- A Java variable can have a digit as first character.