Logical Reasoning :: Evaluating an Interface
Read the passage and answer the following questions:The latest researches of Information Technology in India reveal that 97% of the manpower employed in this sector below 39 years in age, among whom the age of women employees is less than that of their male counter parts. Among them 66.9% are less than 25, where as the percentage of male employees is 38.5 in their comparison. In addition to it, the female employees are as efficient as the male ones. In reality several industries believe that there is not much difference between the functioning of male and female workers.In comparison with their male counter parts, efficiency rating of female workers is higher. Besides, majority of women have sense of security and job satisfaction. Nearly 63% of women feel that their creative works do not come in the way of their household responsibilities.Information technology enterprise is one of the latest industries of India.
- The male work force of lesser age in India is not suitable for information technology industry.
- Women workers have started joining the IT industry in recent past.
- A large number of women employees probably continue to contribute well to information technology industry even after their marriage.
- No other industry provides such security and work satisfaction to its women employees.
Read the passage and answer the following questions:In metros/cities about 50 to 60 percent people suffer from diseases related to digestion. Symptoms of most of these diseases are related to life style, consumption of tobacco or alcohol, hypertension and contaminated water.Wrong eating habits and life style may give rise to ulcer. Non vegetarians, who don't have roughage in adequate quantities, may fell prey to intestinal contractions and diarrhea. Tobacco can cause oesophagus and stomach cancer and excessive consumption of alcohol can be reason of high tension and diseases of pancreas. In medical science if you know the causes of diseases t becomes possible to cure or control them.Vegetarians do not suffer from common diseases of digestive system.
- The change in life style and eating habits may cure most of the diseases of digestive system in initial stage.
- The patients of digestive system can be seen generally in big cities.
- Rural life style helps to live a disease free life.
- We need to strengthen the qualities of urban hospitals and health care services.