Logical Reasoning :: Evaluating an Interface
Read the passage and answer the following questions:Pollution amounts to slow murder. Regular exposure to industrial and vehicular pollution leads to life threatening diseases like asthma, heart problems, cancer and various other disorders. Therefore, nobody has the right to pollute, rich or poor. Industrial and vehicular pollution are growing rapidly across the country. It is not just metropolitan centres that are heavily polluted today but also small and medium towns. Pollution is growing faster than the economy. This is because the western technological model, built on heavy use of energy and materials, is an inherently highly toxic model. It produces huge amounts of toxic pollution, which can be controlled only if there is careful choice of technology and there is considerable discipline in its use.The spread of pollution has gathered momentum in the recent past.
- The pollution level in the western world is considerably more than that in India.
- Proper planning in use of modern technology leads to less pollution in the environment.
- The industries which use higher level of energy create more pollution.
- The smaller industrial units contribute proportionately to higher pollution.
Read the passage and answer the following questions:There has been considerable improvement in the economy for the last ten years. Indian economy has witnessed for far reaching changes, e.g. emergence of India as an IT super power; there has been wide increase in the global employment for the Indian managers and so have the maximum salaries and so on.However, there happened great upheaval in corporations, closure firms and reduction in the size of institutions. There are occurred infiltration of the "Hire & Fire" culture into the corporations. Employment opportunities have also declined.There are certain positive results of reform in economy but there are also some unfavourable effects.
- Before reform in the economy in our country, there was no "Hire & Fire" culture in the world as a whole.
- India can compete with US as it has emerged as an IT Superpower.
- There are ample employment opportunities for the Indian specialists world over following the closure of some Indian firms.
- The living standard of Indian managers will really improve when they seek jobs in foreign countries.