Home / Logical Reasoning / Statement and Argument :: Statement And Arguments Set - 2 MCQs

Logical Reasoning :: Statement and Argument

  1. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by four arguments I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should trade unions be banned completely?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. Workers can concentrate on production.
    II. No. This is the only way through which employees can put their demands before the management.
    III. Yes. Employees get their illegal demands fulfilled through these unions.
    IV. No. Trade unions are not banned in other economically advanced countries.

  2. A.

     Only I is strong


     Only II is strong


     Only I and II are strong


     Only I, II and III are strong


     None of these

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  3. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should the public sector undertakings be kilo wed to adopt hire and fire policy?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. This will help the public sector undertakings to get rid of non-performing employees and reward the performing employees.
    II. No. This will give an unjust handle to the management and they may use it indiscriminately.
    III. Yes. This will help increase the level of efficiency of these organizations and these will become profitable establishments.

  4. A.

     None is strong


     Only I and II are strong


     Only II and III are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     All are strong

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  5. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Is caste-based reservation policy in professional colleges justified?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. The step is a must to bring the underprivileged at par with the privileged ones.
    II. No. It obstructs the establishment of a classless society.
    III. Yes. This will help the backward castes and classes of people to come out of the oppression of upper caste people.

  6. A.

     Only I and II are strong


     Only II is strong


     Only II and III are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     All are strong

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  7. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should there be a complete ban on genetically modified imported seeds?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. This will boost the demand of domestically developed seeds.
    II. No. This is the only way to increase production substantially.
    III. Yes. Genetically modified products will adversely affect the health of those who consume these products.

  8. A.

     Only I and II are strong


     Only II is strong


     Only II and III are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     All are strong

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  9. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should the income generated out of agricultural activities be taxed?

    Arguments :
    I. No. Farmers are otherwise suffering from natural calamities and low yield coupled with low procurement price and their income should not be taxed.
    II. Yes. Majority of the population is dependent on agriculture and hence their income should be taxed to augment the resources.
    III. Yes. Many big farmers earn much more than the majority of the service earners and they should be taxed to remove the disparity.

  10. A.

     Only I is strong


     Only I and II are strong


     Only II and III are strong


     All are strong


     None of these

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  11. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by four arguments I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should all the management institutes in the country be brought under government control?

    Arguments :
    I. No. The government does not have adequate resources to run such institutes effectively.
    II. No. Each institute should be given freedom to function on its own.
    III. Yes. This will enable to have standardized education for all the students.
    IV. Yes. Only then the quality of education would be improved.

  12. A.

     None is strong


     Only I, II and III are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     All are strong


     Only III is strong

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  13. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should the system of Lok Adalats and mobile courts be encouraged in India?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. It helps to grant speedy justice to the masses.
    II. Yes. The dispensing of minor cases at this level would reduce the burden on the higher courts.
    III. No. These courts are usually partial in justice.

  14. A.

     Only I and II are strong


     Only II and III are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     All are strong


     Only I is strong

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  15. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by four arguments I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should India acquire/manufacture the latest nuclear weapons?

    Arguments :
    I. Yes. The enemies of India are improving their weapons continuously and it becomes imperative to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
    II. No. Instead the money should be diverted to development activities.
    III. No. The international community will isolate Indians and this will bring a setback to Indian economy.
    IV. No. It will be against our policy of maintaining world peace.

  16. A.

     Only I is strong


     Only I and IV are strong


     Only I, II and IV are strong


     All are strong


     None of these

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  17. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by four arguments I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should there be a complete ban on manufacture and use of firecrackers?

    Arguments :
    I. No. This will render thousands of workers jobless.
    II. Yes. The firecracker manufacturers use child labour to a large extent.
    III. Yes. This will be a concrete step to reduce noise and air pollution.
    IV. No. Use of firecrackers makes certain special occasions more lively and joyful.

  18. A.

     Only I and II are strong


     Only I and III are strong


     Only III and IV are strong


     Only I, II and III are strong


     Only I, III and IV are strong

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  19. Directions : Following question consists of a statement followed by three arguments I, II and III . You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

    Statement : Should "literacy" be the minimum criterion for becoming a voter in India?

    Arguments :
    I. No. Mere literacy is no guarantee of political maturity of an individual.
    II. Yes. Illiterate people are less likely to make politically wiser decisions of voting for a right candidate or party.
    III. No. Voting is the constitutional right of every citizen.

  20. A.

     None is strong


     Only I and II are strong


     Only III is strong


     Only II and III are strong


     All are strong

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