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Logical Reasoning :: Analyzing Arguements

  1. If you are a fitness walker, you don't need to go to a health gym. You also don't need any fitness equipment for workout. All you need is a pair of comfortable athletic shoes.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements;

  2. A.
    Fitness walking is better than weight lifting
    Walking outdoors provides more health benefits than walking indoors
    Fitness walking is an effective and convenient form of exercise
    Poorly designed shoes can cause foot injuries

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  3. Yoga is a popular form of exercise, but it is not for everyone. Before you enroll yourself for a yoga class, you should examine what you want from your fitness routine. If you are looking for an intense aerobic workout, a yoga class will not fulfill your needs.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements;

  4. A.
    Yoga provides both mental and health benefits
    Yoga is less popular than aerobics
    Understand your needs before joining a fitness class
    Yoga is not a rigorous form of exercise

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  5. Social values of the workforce are changing with time. Ten years ago, a manager who was promoted and transferred to a distant city would not have questioned the move. Today, a manager in the same situation may choose to stay with family instead of career growth.

    This paragraph supports which of the following situations;

  6. A.
    Today employers do not understand the needs of their employees
    Today employees are not loyal to their companies
    Social values of employees have changed over the past ten years
    Today career growth is not important for the employees

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  7. It is a fact that the world urgently needs sufficient distribution of food so that everyone gets enough food and nutrition. Distribution of medicine and medical facilities are also need to be distributed across the world to ensure people in developing countries can get proper medical care.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements;

  8. A.
    Majority of the people in the world do not want to go to a doctor
    Food and medicine production is slow in developing countries
    Food and medicine production should be increased in developing countries
    Most of the people in developing countries are not getting enough food and medical care

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  9. Obesity is a serious health issue. It can also lead to various other diseases like diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure. Recent research has even found that obesity may cause some types of cancer. So, major health campaigns should be launched to increases the awareness about this disease and lifestyle changes to help people fight obesity.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements;

  10. A.
    Health campaigns to spread awareness and discuss lifestyle changes to fight obesity should be launched
    Obesity is the leading cause of diabetes and other diseases
    People should change their lifestyle to cure obesity
    Fast food and overeating result in obesity

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  11. Each sport has a specific set of rules or customs to ensure fair competition and allow consistent adjudication of the winner.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements:

  12. A.
    A sport is a major source of entertainment for the non-participants
    Sports offer a rigorous form of exercise
    In organized sports, records of performance are often maintained and for popular sports, these records may be widely announced or reported in sports news.
    A physically and mentally fit person does not need to participate in sports.

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  13. In most of the schools, children get homework as early as kindergarten or by the second grade. The homework irritates many children by the third grade. It should be banned.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements:

  14. A.
    Homework is a waste of time, there are some benefits of homework, but its negatives are more than benefits.
    Homework tends to stress children and make them angry as they get less time to play.
    Homework should be given as it helps children attain knowledge meticulously.
    Children are too lazy to do homework, and their parents don't realize the value of homework.

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  15. AIDS or HIV infection is a serious disease which slowly kills the infected person. It is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). As the disease progresses, the immune system becomes weaker, making the infected person more likely to get infections and bear stigma and discrimination.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements:

  16. A.
    HIV-infected persons not only become weaker but also face stigma and discrimination.
    AIDS is a global pandemic.
    In the early years of HIV infection, the death rate from AIDS was low.
    One should take balanced diet and check how many calories burn daily.

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  17. Health indicates the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it refers to the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements:

  18. A.
    Before joining a new exercise regimen, one should analyze his or her fitness needs
    Most of the doctors are more concerned about making money instead of curing patients
    The main determinants of health include physical, mental and social well being
    The people of developing countries are not getting proper medical care

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  19. The government should install internet filters to censor websites containing sexual or obscene content, images, and video as it is not suitable for children.

    This paragraph supports which of the following statements:

  20. A.
    Yes, the government should install filters as at present there are few tools that prevent children from assessing these sites.
    Such websites should not be blocked as people like to visit these websites.
    Yes, it should be banned as this kind of garbage has no value for humans.
    The government should never install such filter to block porn websites.

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