ECE :: Signals and Systems
A signal is sampled at Nyquist rate fs = 2f0. The function can be recovered from its samples only. If it is a
A voltage wave is v = 50 sin ωt. Its average value calculated over full one cycle is
If f1 (t) and f2 (f) are two functions of time and a and b are constants, then
A voltage wave is i = 100 sin (ωt). Its average value calculated over one half cycle is
In the given figure 15.5 show a discrete time system consisting of a unit delay system, a multiplier and a summer, such that y(k) = x(k - 1) + 0.5 x(k). This system
An RLC series circuit has a variable inductance. The value of L for resonance conditions at fundamental frequency is 0.18 H. For resonance conditions at third harmonic frequency the value of inductance is
which of the following is not correct?
If function f(t) has an initial value f(0-) at t = 0-, the Laplace transform of is