ECE :: Digital Electronics
Commercial ECL gates use two ground lines and one negative supply to
Which of the following is incorrect?
A 3 stage Johnson counter (ring) shown in figure is clocked at a constant frequency of fc from the starting state of Q0 Q1 Q2 = 101. The frequency of output Q0 Q1 Q2 will be
A depletion type NMOS is operated in enhancement mode. Vp = - 4 volts. For VGS = + 3 volts as VDS is increased, ID becomes nearly constant when Vps equals
Which one of the following is D/A conversion technique?
Assuming accumulator contain A 64 and the carry is set (1). What will accumulator (A) and carry (CY) contain after ANA A?
A number is expressed in binary 2's complement as 10011 decimal equivalent value is
In INHIBIT operation